The Kids U PlayQuad is the centerpiece of the Kids U facility.  The PlayQuad is a large, multi-level jungle gym, in a 2,000 square foot free play area where Kids U members can come and play anytime.   The PlayQuad challenges children both physically and mentally, offering opportunities for dynamic and innovative exploratory play. The PlayQuad promotes physical exercise and major motor skill development. Your child will not only have great fun but will develop better coordination, balance, flexibility and strength.

Due to updated COVID policies the PlayQuad is currently only available for private use or use within a class block.

Kids U Private Play Date

Have Kids U all to yourself for an hour of FUN with FRIENDS! Invite 10 friends for a private play date in a safe and fun environment. Children will spend 30 minutes in the PlayQuad and 30 minutes in the gym with Kids U staff overseeing activities. Cost during the week is $200 for an hour; cost on the weekend, or during a vacation week is $250 for an hour. Add on a Ninja Warrior course for an extra $50. We aren’t able to book any play dates during the week/weekend from November-March. We may be able to schedule something during the holiday breaks. Please send us an email at to inquire.